Sony has recently announced a new laptop of its VAIO S series. The newly VAIO S series laptop has brings an 15.5-inch Full HD (1920 x 1080) LED-backlit display that features a casing made out of magnesium and aluminum, and with two colors option including ่et black and platinum silver.
The 15.5-inch VAIO S Series laptop is boast up to Intel Core i7 processor, up to 1TB of storage space (HDD and SSD options), and integrated Intel HD 3000 graphics or discrete an AMD Radeon HD 6630 Hybrid graphics card with as much as 1GB of VRAM memory.
The 15.5-inch VAIO S Series laptop is boast up to Intel Core i7 processor, up to 1TB of storage space (HDD and SSD options), and integrated Intel HD 3000 graphics or discrete an AMD Radeon HD 6630 Hybrid graphics card with as much as 1GB of VRAM memory.
Other features include a DVD writer or Blu-ray drive, fingerprint reader, a HD webcam, WiFi 802.11n, Bluetooth, USB 3.0, and supports Intel’s Wireless Display 2.1 technology.
The new Sony VAIO S Series 15.5-inch laptop will be available in October and start at $1,000.
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