LG has launched its new 3D laptop computer in South Korea and will be available in Europe, the Middle East and Africa this month, called the X note A530. The Xnote A530 3D laptop is comes with a 15-inch 3D display with HD (1366 x 768) or Full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution, dual s that allowing users to capture 3D videos and photos, and a 2D to 3D converting software which helps you convert 2D content into full 3D.
The LG X note A530 3D laptop is powered by quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, up to 8GB of RAM, up to 750GB hard drive paired with a 4GB solid state drive, and GeForce GT 555M discrete graphics with 1GB/2GB of dedicated memory.
The LG X note A530 3D laptop is powered by quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, up to 8GB of RAM, up to 750GB hard drive paired with a 4GB solid state drive, and GeForce GT 555M discrete graphics with 1GB/2GB of dedicated memory.
It also packs a DVD burner or Blu-ray drive, WiFi, Bluetooth, Gigabit Ethernet LAN, card reader, fingerprint reader, USB 3.0 port, HDMI output, and a 6-cell battery.
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